More Responsibility in Practice – Right from the Start
CeramTec for University Students
During your studies you have learned about the theory - now it's time to put this into practice! At CeramTec, you will get first hand experience of a diverse range of the functions. From internships to completing your thesis, with us you will be quickly integrated in a team, work in partnership with others and play an active part in finding solutions using your creativity. Autonomy, personal responsibility and team work – a chance to show your strengths. CeramTec will enhance how your professional future develops.

Good reasons to join!
- A wide range of offers in the area of company sports, cooperation with fitness studios and many employee events
- Variety of meals in the canteen
- Flexible working time models to reconcile studies, internship or working student activities and free time
- Partnership-based working atmosphere in the team and flat hierarchies
- Individual support for professional and personal development
Your Contact Persons on Site

Czech Republic
Zuzana Kondělková
HR Manager Czech Republic
CeramTec Czech Republic, s.r.o.
Zerotinova 62
78701 Sumperk
Zerotinova 62
78701 Sumperk

United Kingdom
Vicky Gough
CeramTec UK Limited
Antelope Park, Bursledon Road
Thornhill, Southampton
Hampshire, SO19 7TG
Antelope Park, Bursledon Road
Thornhill, Southampton
Hampshire, SO19 7TG

United Kingdom
Wendy Williams
CeramTec UK Limited
Vauxhall Industrial Estate
Ruabon, Wrexham
LL14 6HY
Vauxhall Industrial Estate
Ruabon, Wrexham
LL14 6HY

United States of America
Kayli Merritt
CeramTec North America Corp.
One Technology Place
Laurens, SC 29360
One Technology Place
Laurens, SC 29360