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Responsible Corporate Practices

CeramTec Compliance

Responsible Corporate Practices

Our Code of Conduct “Strength through Integrity”

The CeramTec Group Code of Conduct reflects the values of our company, it is the foundation for how we do business. It provides rules, standards and expectations for our colleagues around the world. As CeramTec, we take active and effective measures to ensure that all our employees fully comprehend and comply with our Code of Conduct.

CeramTec EthicsPoint Speak Up!

Welcome to CeramTec EthicsPoint Speak Up! a secure platform dedicated to CeramTec's values of integrity and transparency. EthicsPoint is designed to support the reporting of illegal or unethical actions (Allegation) or simply to raise a question about the Code of Conduct or the compliance of certain actions (Inquiry) such as:

  • Bribery and corruption
  • Breach of antitrust or cartel laws and unfair business practices
  • Conflict of interest
  • Data privacy/data protection issues
  • Fraudulent acts against the Company
  • Harassment, including sexual harassment
  • Human rights or environmental risks or violations in the supply chain

Our streamlined reporting process ensures confidentiality and swift action. You have our word that your voice will be heard, and that no retaliation will be tolerated for any reports made in good faith. Together, we can foster a work environment where our values can thrive, and our organization is strengthened by our commitment to uphold CeramTec’s values.

Questions & Answers about EthicsPoint Speak Up!

Here you will find the most important answers about EthicsPoint Speak Up! If you have further questions, please read our FAQ (PDF).

Who can report?

In principle, anyone can report an Allegation or Inquiry via EthicsPoint. This platform enables members of the CeramTec Group as well as third parties to bring certain matters to the attention of the management of the company.

How can I make a report?

EthicsPoint offers both online and phone reporting options, hosted by a provider outside of CeramTec, and is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the option to remain anonymous if you should choose:

  • To report online, you can use the link that takes you to the website of our third party provider, Navex, or simply scan the QR code to report via a mobile device. Once you have selected the type of report you would like to make, you will need to complete the form on the next page and submit the report. In order to fully complete the form, you must have adequate information about the specific allegation or inquiry you are reporting. That’s why we strongly encourage you to gather as much information as possible before making a report.
  • If you wish to make a report by phone, you can use the following numbers for the countries in which CeramTec operates:
CountryDialing TypeNAVEX Hotline Number

0800 000 2804


400 120 5075

Czech RepublicOneConnect

800 810 912


0 800 90 43 72


0800 1824358


022 5097 2691

Korea, Republic of SouthOneConnect





800 077 2629


00800 005 325


900 751 379


0800 010 014



United Kingdom & Northern IrelandOneConnect

0800 066 8873

United StatesDirect


What can be reported via EthicsPoint?

Technically, anything can be reported through EthicsPoint. However, as every report is triggering a standard investigation process, this tool is ideally suited for severe violations such as:

  • Harassment, including sexual harassment
  • Conflict of interest
  • Bribery and corruption
  • Breach of antitrust or cartel laws and unfair business practices
  • Fraudulent acts against the Company
  • Human rights or environmental risks or violations in the supply chain

If you have a concern about a less critical issue and you are an employee of the Company, we encourage you to raise directly your concerns to your manager, Human Resources or the Legal or Compliance Departments.  If you are a business partner of the Company, members of both the Legal and Compliance Departments will be available to discuss your concerns with you.  Our CEO, Dr Hadi Saleh (h.saleh@ceramtec.de), also has an open door for any concerns that may arise. 

What happens to my report?

Reports are entered directly into secure EthicsPoint server. EthicsPoint makes these reports available only to specific individuals within the company who oversee the report, based on the type of violation and the location of the incident. Each of these report recipients are committed in keeping these reports strictly confidential. This means that your report will not be seen by anyone other than the few responsible individuals who have a confidentiality obligation.
