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Capacity expansion at Marktredwitz site

Moving things together

Since 2005, we have been producing BIOLOX®delta ceramic components for hip joint replacement also at the Marktredwitz site. To be able to meet the growing demand of our customers, we are planning to expand our presence there (see press release from October 2022). Our medical technology division's existing production complex is to be expanded in the coming years to include, among other things, a further production hall.

On this page you can follow the construction site activities in Marktredwitz step by step. Together we move things!

9 October 2024

A breath of fresh air: Work is currently focusing on the holistic energy-efficient ventilation and air treatment concept for the new building.


26 September 2024

Building is art, as we experience every day on the construction site. Impressive geometry, walls whose concrete grey is transformed into brilliant white, plays of light that the sun paints into the room through openings in the roof ... The interior work has now begun. 


6 September 2024

The crown is in place: The traditional topping-out ceremony took place just one year after the ground-breaking ceremony. President Medical Dr. Katrin Sternberg thanked everyone involved in the project, including District Administrator Peter Berek and Mayor Oliver Weigel for the rapid progress of the project.


9 August 2024

Looking ahead: The first windows are being installed, giving us a clear view and privacy for our business at the same time. We look forward to eventually shipping the components that will be manufactured here to customers across the globe.


8 July 2024

New heights: The first view of the roof shows how the ceilings are installed.


25 June 2024

A few days ago, CeramTec CEO Dr. Hadi Saleh visited the construction site: “I am very impressed by the progress that has been made. Comparing the current state of the site with what it looked like exactly a year ago, I can only applaud the team for their hard work and dedication. Every day it becomes even clearer that medical technology made in Germany by CeramTec has a bright future.”


17 June 2024

Wide open spaces: The hall trusses are being assembled. The size of the planned production facility is beginning to take shape.


27 May 2024

Large support: Everything needed for the assembly of the first large hall trusses is delivered by lorry.


17 May 2024

Sunny prospects: Thanks to the good weather and skilled workers, we are right on schedule with the construction work. 


13 May 2024

Take a deep breath: Fresh air also plays a vital role in production. That's why we use a holistic, energy-efficient approach to ventilation and air treatment when designing the building and its systems - for more sustainability inside and outside.


3 May 2024

Step by step: Things are really busy on our building site at the moment and the new staircase is one step ahead. 


17 April 2024

Man of action: Oliver Weigel, Mayor of the city of Marktredwitz, visited our construction site last week to see how the work was progressing: he also took the opportunity to lend a hand at the wheel of the excavator.

11 April 2024

Break with Burgers – Come rain or shine, the workers at our construction site in Marktredwitz are working diligently on the new building. Reason enough for CeramTec to thank them for their hard work with a hearty lunch. High five!

3 April 2024

Next level: Since yesterday the columns for the next floor have been erected on our construction site.

21 March 2024

Stable: The built-in ceilings are supported for concreting.

12 March 2024

Flying high: The first ceiling is currently being installed in our new extension, and spring sun is creating good working conditions for this.

28 February 2024

Concrete concrete! As construction work in Marktredwitz progresses, one can now clearly recognize that this will be a real building soon.


18 January 2024

Frosty greetings! - It's winter in Marktredwitz, but the construction site is still busy. The outer walls are currently being concreted with so-called winter construction measures. - At very low temperatures, the fresh concrete is covered and heated.


14 December 2023

Rise and shine: A few days ago, our colleague captured this amazing sunrise over our construction site. The picture was taken at the highest point of the existing CeramTec buildings in Marktredwitz.


24 November 2023

While it's slowly getting time for Christmas lights everywhere, the cranes in Marktredwitz are bathing our construction site in the warm light of anticipation. The first cycle of the floor slab has already been concreted.


10 November 2023

Upward trend: The elevator underpass is reinforced with structural steel.


27 Oktober 2023

On solid ground: The excavation pit has been dug. - A few days ago, the first foundation was concreted. 


9 Oktober 2023

What exactly is currently being built in Marktredwitz? You can get an impression by looking at the architect's model. (Scale model image: With kind permission by Planungsbüro Fischer GmbH)


29 September 2023

This week we received the building permit from the authorities. Yesterday we held the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony for our new medical technology building in Marktredwitz. Read the press release here.


31 August 2023

Now things are getting rolling: As of today, the construction roads are being set up so that vehicles, machines and hard-working people can soon get to the construction site safely and easily.


20 June, 2023

Preparatory work is already underway on the plot of land to be redeveloped. Among other things, the soil conditions are currently being tested. The official groundbreaking ceremony is drawing ever closer - it is planned for the end of September.