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Update CeramTec Investor Relations Portal

Access to IR Portal only for registered users

Dear User of CeramTec’s Investor Portal,

CeramTec wishes to provide information about the Company’s financial performance to relevant stakeholders at appropriate times and in line with our legal obligations. In this, ensuring the necessary levels of security is a priority for us. CeramTec has therefore been making a few updates to our Investor Relations website as well as our Investor Portal. Moving forward, documents such as the Company’s Annual Report or Quarterly Financial Data will be accessible only on our password-protected Investor Portal*.

If you are interested in receiving the relevant information in the future, please register again. To do so, please visit ir.ceramtec.com**.

Kindly note that, as of today, previous registrations to the portal will no longer be valid.

CeramTec’s next Investor Call (Q4/FY 2022) is scheduled for May 10, 3:00PM (CEST). We are happy to provide dial-in details via email and on the portal a few days prior to the event to everyone who will have successfully (re-)registered by then.

Thank you for your attention and continued interest in CeramTec.

Best regards,

CeramTec Investor Relations


*CeramTec reserves the right to determine at all times which documents should be uploaded to the portal and for what period of time.
**Applicants for access may be admitted or rejected at CeramTec’s sole discretion.