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Successful start of the project “Social Week”

Cooperation with the life aid in Schönberg

For the first time this year our apprentices in their second year of apprenticeship had the opportunity to take a “look beyond the box” at the site in Lauf. By working with employees with and without disabilities our apprentices should increase their awareness of inclusion.

The apprentices were allowed to work actively in their self-selected departments for one week at the life aid in Schönberg. Whenever metalworking, in order to compare the work in training with that in the field, or in the carpentry. As well as the group of former pensioners was also visited with enthusiasm. The focus here is not only on work but above all on leisure activities for the time of retirement. In addition some outdoor workplaces were visited. There they got a glimpse of how the work of the caregivers also goes outside of life support.

All in all a very positive experience for our apprentices!